
Sunday, November 14, 2010

what is computer

First in a series

Over the past few years, the number of people who work from home or from a small office has been growing substantially.

The United States easily has the highest percentage of mobile workers in its workforce, with close to 75% of all workers today engaged in some type of mobile activity, and an expected 119.7 million mobile workers by 2013, according to U.S. government statistics. Worldwide, there will be 1.19b mobile workers within the next three years.

Many of these mobile and remote workers are home-based professionals (business owners and employees) who work primarily from their home office and, if they are employees, are away from their primary workplace at least 20% of the time, according to researcher IDC. The small office/home office (SOHO) segment is also made up of so-called 'work extenders,' who take work home from traditional jobs after normal business hours and may work in the evenings or on weekends.

In all cases, however, these SOHO workers are looking for the same return on technology investments as the top companies with major mobile workforces and large budgets: To connect, communicate, and collaborate with customers, clients and co-workers by using the latest tools and technology advances.

Extending SOHO resources

Keeping in touch and communicating is probably the most important goal in the SOHO world, relying on everything from simple email and instant messaging to more interactive social networking platforms. This means having a computer system in place that is equipped with a wired or wireless communications capability, and software that can not only send and receive messages but can organize and keep track of messages and key files.

Many SOHO setups have an 802.11 Wi-Fi system in place, but also make use high-speed wireless broadband and short-range communications alternatives like Bluetooth to connect wirelessly to in-office printers, LCD projectors and other equipment. An increasing number of notebook systems also include multiple communications technologies, including high-speed cellular (3G) that can be used to supplement 802.11 when out and about and away from a Wi-Fi hotspot.

An increasing number of SOHO workers are using small handheld systems to extend computing resources beyond the confines of an office and bring data resources to the point of customer action. In fact, by 2012, handhelds are expected to account for half of all Wi-Fi hotpot connections, says market researcher In-Stat. This extended mobility is changing the dynamics of the SOHO worker, but also adding new technology solution possibilities to the mix – like mobile printers, mobile presentation devices and evolving platforms like tablet PCs.

Information safeguards

Security is a top concern among the SOHO set, and not just the security surrounding electronic messages and wireless connections. Data backup and recovery is also a major concern among small office and home office users, since most do not have the luxury of a dedicated IT support department or network-based backup and archiving capability. Corrupted or lost data can not only result in lost business or business opportunities, but may even present some legal problems since companies of all sizes must have adequate safeguards in place to protect data and maintain records for a specific period of time.

An unexpected disruption in business, due to lost data or a storage crash might also impact a small company’s survival. According to U.S. government statistics, for example, more than 90% of companies that had trouble restoring their data after a data disaster are out of business within 18 months.

While most people realize the importance of data backups, a large majority of U.S. users (about 92%) still fail to up to backup their personal and business information – including financial information and work-related documents - on a regular basis, according to the results of a study conducted earlier this year by Harris Interactive on behalf of an online backup service provider. Roughly 30% of the more than 2,000 people taking part in the survey admitted backing their data up once a month, while 15% did it weekly and only 8% backed up their data to a local disk or remote service once a day.

Online backup services can range in price from a few dollars to tens of dollars per month. Off-site storage is options are also provided by Google, Amazon and most every online service provider as a free or paid option. The benefit to these services is that backups can be scheduled to automatically occur throughout the day as new information is stored on a computer’s internal hard disk, or at night when the backup process does not get in the way of the business workflow and tie up compute resources.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Sims has become a game that needs no introduction to all the digital game lovers all across the world. This life simulation game has gained great heights soon after the release and has done excellent business all over the world in the past few years. The Sims 2 is the sequel of The Sims with improved features as well as added game play attraction. The game has excellent features that might attract you if you are not known to the game actually.

As being a life simulation game, this comprises of all the best features that one could possibly put in a digital game. The game has all life elements including wants and fears that one has in a real time situation. You can make a family of your own inside the game getting the best excitement out of the technology. The family you make in the game will be a combination of the genes of the parents giving you the best experience in the gaming world.

The game tends to provide a lot more then it seems actually by giving players the exact know how of how the whole life system works in the best possible way. It gives you information about how the family trees are made, the relations that persist between people. Love, hate, likes, dislikes have all been a part of the life and the game is an excellent development of these feelings turn into a digital experience giving the player an experience of how does it actually feel like undergoing all these feelings.

The game has been developed keeping in sight the five main aspirations that one has in his life. These include popularity, fortune, family, knowledge and romance. The developers at EA sports have tried their utmost to keep the game developed as a positive one giving the players an impact that no other game tends to give. The negative elements of life have been no appreciated in the game and these elements lead to the loss of the basic five aspirations needed to advance in your game.

The game has six aging cycles in the development of the life of an individual in the game. These include baby, toddler, and child, teen, adult and elder. The game gives you an option to customize the entire minor as well as the major details that might be involved in the game. These include all the clothing, styles, and related stuff. You can get customized hairs, shirts, underwear, bathing suits and make-up.

You can even customize your living as well. Build roofs, decks, basements and multiple levels for your homes so as to enjoy the best out of the gaming experience. This is perhaps the best part in any game available on the planet. No other game gives you such a vigilant experience about the life simulations as does The Sims 2.

The graphics of the games have been well woven so to provide the players with an excellent and real-time experience. All the development is made in a 3 Dimensional environment with every minor detail highlighted to add interest in the game giving an excellent experience overall. The only disadvantage that it rendered is the need of a fast machine with ample resources to run the game. The 3D graphics need high resources to give you a nice experience while playing the game. You can move around in the world by changing angles all around and having a closer look to everything that comes your way.

Personalities, experience, lifestyles have all been highlighted in the games giving a vivid image of how everything works when it comes to the social life of any individual or a family. Traits that usually occur in the actual life have all been highlighted in the game giving a complete structure of general life the way it actually is. The fun that we usually have in the real life is all well taken care of in the game and the element of fun and frankness has also been added giving an impression of a perfect game that occurs on the planet.

Unlike all the different types of games that occur on the planet, this is perhaps the game that has all the features of an unconventional one. It’s a game that tests your creativity and interests beyond everything else on the planet making it an experience worthwhile by bringing you closer to the positive elements of life in real. Neighbors, relatives, friends, family and all such relation have been highlighted in the game. For a better development in the game, you need to have a positive stance on all these basic elements giving you an excellent experience though.

The game is a technical one when it comes to the playing experience but tends to satisfy the expectations that you might have in your mind just after knowing that this is the best life simulation game on the planet. The technical part is for the users who are not well known to three dimensional games as it would give you a very clumsy experience for the starting few minutes of the game until you understand how it works.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Sims has become a game that needs no introduction to all the digital game lovers all across the world. This life simulation game has gained great heights soon after the release and has done excellent business all over the world in the past few years. The Sims 2 is the sequel of The Sims with improved features as well as added game play attraction. The game has excellent features that might attract you if you are not known to the game actually.

As being a life simulation game, this comprises of all the best features that one could possibly put in a digital game. The game has all life elements including wants and fears that one has in a real time situation. You can make a family of your own inside the game getting the best excitement out of the technology. The family you make in the game will be a combination of the genes of the parents giving you the best experience in the gaming world.

The game tends to provide a lot more then it seems actually by giving players the exact know how of how the whole life system works in the best possible way. It gives you information about how the family trees are made, the relations that persist between people. Love, hate, likes, dislikes have all been a part of the life and the game is an excellent development of these feelings turn into a digital experience giving the player an experience of how does it actually feel like undergoing all these feelings.

The game has been developed keeping in sight the five main aspirations that one has in his life. These include popularity, fortune, family, knowledge and romance. The developers at EA sports have tried their utmost to keep the game developed as a positive one giving the players an impact that no other game tends to give. The negative elements of life have been no appreciated in the game and these elements lead to the loss of the basic five aspirations needed to advance in your game.

The game has six aging cycles in the development of the life of an individual in the game. These include baby, toddler, and child, teen, adult and elder. The game gives you an option to customize the entire minor as well as the major details that might be involved in the game. These include all the clothing, styles, and related stuff. You can get customized hairs, shirts, underwear, bathing suits and make-up.

You can even customize your living as well. Build roofs, decks, basements and multiple levels for your homes so as to enjoy the best out of the gaming experience. This is perhaps the best part in any game available on the planet. No other game gives you such a vigilant experience about the life simulations as does The Sims 2.

The graphics of the games have been well woven so to provide the players with an excellent and real-time experience. All the development is made in a 3 Dimensional environment with every minor detail highlighted to add interest in the game giving an excellent experience overall. The only disadvantage that it rendered is the need of a fast machine with ample resources to run the game. The 3D graphics need high resources to give you a nice experience while playing the game. You can move around in the world by changing angles all around and having a closer look to everything that comes your way.

Personalities, experience, lifestyles have all been highlighted in the games giving a vivid image of how everything works when it comes to the social life of any individual or a family. Traits that usually occur in the actual life have all been highlighted in the game giving a complete structure of general life the way it actually is. The fun that we usually have in the real life is all well taken care of in the game and the element of fun and frankness has also been added giving an impression of a perfect game that occurs on the planet.

Unlike all the different types of games that occur on the planet, this is perhaps the game that has all the features of an unconventional one. It’s a game that tests your creativity and interests beyond everything else on the planet making it an experience worthwhile by bringing you closer to the positive elements of life in real. Neighbors, relatives, friends, family and all such relation have been highlighted in the game. For a better development in the game, you need to have a positive stance on all these basic elements giving you an excellent experience though.

The game is a technical one when it comes to the playing experience but tends to satisfy the expectations that you might have in your mind just after knowing that this is the best life simulation game on the planet. The technical part is for the users who are not well known to three dimensional games as it would give you a very clumsy experience for the starting few minutes of the game until you understand how it works.
Yesterday, I wrote about how the FBI is warning us that personal details can be stolen (i-jacked) when using public computers. This occurs using crimeware, previously installed on a public computer, logs the keys you are stroking and sends the information (electronically) to criminals.

It can be dangerous to look at any of your online financial information on these (public access) machines.

When writing about this phenomenon, I remembered that even using your personal computer at a public place with a wireless connection can expose a person's personal and sometimes, financial details.

Just the other day, Martin Bosworth, over at Consumer Affairs, wrote an excellent piece covering this danger, where he stated:

Sending unencrypted information over any unfamiliar network can turn your computer into an open book -- with pages full of your personal information.

Many of these connections are appear to be legitimate connections because they are spoofed (camouflaged to appear as if they are a trusted connection).

Spoofing a connection, or site isn't very hard to do. They simply copy and transpose pictures and statements (words) from legitimate sites to their own. The Artists Against website has a portal, where you can see fake websites that are up and running on the Internet, here.

Martin's article contains some excellent tips on how to navigate the murky waters of public hot spots, safely.

They can be viewed, here.

Interestingly enough, wireless technology, isn't only used to compromise individuals. In the recent TJX data breach, where some are saying 200 million records were stolen since 2003, reports are saying the data was stolen, using wireless technology.

It's being reported that this was accomplished from a car with a laptop. Driving around with a laptop, using other people's wireless connections, is sometimes referred to as "war-driving," which is my new word for the day.
Microsoft Corp. has closed the public testing period for Windows Live Hotmail and has begun a months-long process of migrating users to this major upgrade of its Hotmail Web mail service, the company will announce Monday. (To read a hands-on review of the new Microsoft Hotmail, check out our Today@PCWorld Blog: Microsoft Launches New Hotmail.)

Windows Live Hotmail, dubbed as the biggest Hotmail upgrade since the Web mail service's debut in 1996, has been tested by about 20 million users since Microsoft first allowed people outside the company to try it out in mid-2005, said Brooke Richardson, Microsoft group product manager for the popular e-mail site.

"It is safer, faster and has more features than Hotmail. It's definitely an advance for our current customers," she said. Windows Live Hotmail has a brand new code foundation which will let Microsoft add improvements quickly, something that had become a challenge with Hotmail's decade-old code base, she said. "It's a much more stable foundation for us to innovate," she said.

A major challenge for Microsoft will be to convince long-time Hotmail users that the upgraded version is worth switching to, said Van Baker, a Gartner Inc. analyst. "Consumers get accustomed to things they use on a daily basis, like their e-mail service," he said. "When you make changes, sometimes it's a challenging transition for consumers."

Microsoft will not autocratically move users to the new version. For now, Microsoft will give Hotmail users the option to continue using the old version if they don't want to switch to the upgraded version. However, at some point, everyone will be unilaterally migrated over to Windows Live Hotmail, she said.

New users will be automatically signed up for Windows Live Hotmail but, like any user of the new service, they will get to choose from two user interfaces: a "classic" layout that closely resembles the old Hotmail; or the new interface, which was designed to look like Microsoft's Outlook e-mail and calendaring desktop application, she said.

Later this month, Microsoft will release a free software for linking Windows Live Hotmail with Outlook, a capability the company previously charged for. With Microsoft Office Outlook Connector for MSN, users of the Web mail service will be able to access their account from Outlook, along with e-mail, contacts and folder synchronization for free. In the future, Microsoft will release a desktop client for Windows Live Hotmail called Windows Live Mail. Windows Live Mail will be the successor to Outlook Express and Windows Mail on Windows Vista.

But all these different names, brands and components leave Microsoft with a fragmented story in the Web mail market that could lead to consumer confusion, Gartner's Baker said. "Another big challenge is to manage this message," he said.

In terms of security improvements, each e-mail message carries a "safety bar" which indicates whether the message came from a known, unknown or potentially fraudulent sender. Spam protection has also been enhanced. Windows Live Hotmail also has a mobile version so that its estimated 280 million users can access the service from cell phones and handheld devices with a Web browser.
Many people that are new to the Internet world are nervous about the potential of viruses, Spyware or Adware that can harm their computer, affect performance or make their very private information public to others.

Spyware programs can do a number of damaging things to your personal computer. Spyware infects your pc and hides in the background and can do many nasty things to the performance of your system. It can also do harmful things to you such as send out your personal information, your every keystroke and photo that resides on your hard drive, watch your surfing habits and shopping habits and annoy you with annoying pop-ups filled with advertisements and even pornography.

If you are experiencing any unusual changes in your computer's performance or have any unusual new pop-ups, changes to your toolbars or new icons on your desktop, you should run a system scan to find out if you have Spyware. Products exist on the market to help you combat this problem. Be sure to install software that you know is credible. Downloading freeware can often result in further Spyware existing on your computer. Spyware, Adware and Malware companies frequently fool users into sending pop-ups telling them that there's a problem with their computer and this in fact is further spyware. These errors can open your system up to future further problems by fooling people into thinking they're downloading fixes when really further spyware is being downloaded.

Watch your system's performance and at the sign of any unusual activity, realize that you are probably infected. Do something as soon as possible to protect your privacy. These programs don't discriminate and can launch themselves when you or your family members sit in front of the computer. Pornographic pop-ups can turn up whether it's an adult or a child using the computer. Protect your pc.

Antivirus alone isn't enough to combat this problem. Spyware sneaks into your system via executable files that you don't need to do anything to launch. They can sneak in as attachments that you download or by many other means. They're harmful and annoying but you can protect your computer and your privacy with the right software. This software needs to have an auto update for spyware definitions as new spyware definitions are being added daily. So a spyware removal program is a great compliment to your existing anti-virus software.
Q: Being a regular gamer, I was interested when a friend told me about software that can create virtual CD/DVD drives. Can you tell me more about it and which program I should use: Alcohol 120% or DAEMON Tools?

A: Using virtual discs has several benefits for computer users who need to frequently switch between discs. Virtual CDs are hassle-free and run much faster than physical CDs spinning in a drive. They allow you to keep your original expensive CDs and DVDs in a safe place to prevent damage. That’s why software like Alcohol 120% and DAEMON Tools has become popular among PC gamers. Plus, virtual CDs are an alternative for no-CD patches which can be hard to find and questionable when it comes to legality.

So how do they work? First you need an image (copy) of your disc saved to the hard-drive. Then you’ll need software to create virtual drives where the image can be mounted (loaded). However, those huge image files can easily eat up your hard-drive’s free space, so watch out for that.

Now there are several virtual CD/DVD programs to choose from, but DAEMON Tools and Alcohol 120% are by far the most well-known. I am quite familiar with both programs, so I’ll tell you about the major (and some minor) similarities and differences to help you decide which one is suitable for you.

Both DAEMON Tools and Alcohol 120% can create virtual drives, mount and unmount images and emulate the copy-protections: SafeDisc, SecuROM, Laserlock and RMPS.

But Alcohol 120% provides several more features: creating and burning images, creating duplicate back-ups of most CD/DVDs, erasing re-writable discs and an emulation function called “Ignore Media Type”. And it allows up to 31 virtual drives compared to a maximum of 4 drives that you can create with DAEMON Tools.

As for the interface, I found both programs quite easy to understand. DAEMON Tools runs only from a system tray icon while Alcohol 120% has a clean window to manage your images and virtual drives. They look very different but each is simple in its own way.

To wrap it up, obviously, Alcohol 120% offers much more functionality than DAEMON Tools, but that’s not all. Alcohol’s additional features come at a small price whereas Daemon is freeware. So, I can’t really decide for you which one is better. My advice is to install DAEMON Tools, try it for a while, download the 30-day trial of Alcohol 120% and see which one meets your needs.