
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Computer games have already occupied an important niche in the lives of modern teenagers, children and adults. Even if you want to find a person, who does not play computer games at all, you will have difficulties, because more than every second person in the world has a computer at home and plays the games. Computer games, released by modern computer game developers are very colorful and are intended for generating cheerful mood. People like playing, because they can avoid thinking of their troubles and can just relax. It is a perfect opportunity to get rid of all negative thoughts, tiredness, and everyday stress. You do not have to discuss your problems with a friend or a doctor and you do not need to fight depression. All you have to do is to turn on your computer and let the world of a computer game absorb you, making forget of all problems. The opportunity to relax and feel free is one of the most important reasons for the popularity of computer games. Different people prefer different genres of computer games. Today we have numerous genres, able to satisfy the needs and tastes of different gamers. Among the most popular genres are such as adventures, also known as quests, arcades, shooters, strategies, including real-time strategies, role-playing games, massive multi-player on-line role-playing games and plethora of other genres. The last two genres are considered to be the most popular due to the world famous game Warcraft. Warcraft was released in 1994 and was immediately accepted by the public as the most interesting and amusing game. It managed to win the love of millions of people throughout the world. The main reasons for this were the amusing plot and beautiful graphics of the game. People had never seen anything like that before and they used every spare minute to play the game. One of the greatest things about it was that it could be played by up to 10 people at a time, which was quite an achievement for that time. If people from the same area wanted to play the game together, they had to arrange the local area network. Special settings helped to choose different number of players in the game.

The success of Warcraft and its achievements were duplicated by the brand new game from the same authors, named World of Warcraft. The new design of the game was intended for work on the web and that was the major difference between it and Warcraft. Thousands of players could get access to the game at the same time and see each other in the gaming world. This option has been decisive for the tremendous success of the game and World of Warcraft became the most popular MMORPG in the world.

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